Troop 464 ...
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Home > BSA > Revelry and Retreat

Revelry and Retreat

Raising the FlagEach day at camp begins with the raising of the camp flags at 06:15 in the morning. The troops line up at the flagpole and a designated troop becomes the color guard to raise the flag.

Our day came on Wednesday morning. Being a small troop that presented us with a small problem. There were three flags that needed to be raised, which required at least six people on the flag detail plus another to command the color guard. There were only five scouts with us on this trip. Since we didn’t have enough members in the troop for the color guard, two members of the staff filled in to help. Our 1st Mate, Nate became part of our color guard for the morning. Another staff member acted as the commander of the guard.

Along with the US flag we also had to raise the California state flag and the Fiesta Island Camp flag. The staff also provided a bugler for the ceremony. After the flags were raised to their respective places our troop got a standing ovation (well they were standing at attention already.) A nice “benni” for us was that we got to be first in the breakfast chow line.


At the end of the day, just before dinner at 6:45 PM, another troop carried out a retreat ceremony at the flagpole.

As Always, Be Prepared!

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