Coming up in August, Scouts are going to get the opportunity to earn either their Swimming or Life Saving Merit Badges. The Catalina Council here in Southern Arizona is hosting a water sports day on August 5th at the Double V Scout ranch in Tucson, AZ. The event is from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM.
The opportunity to get the Swimming or Life Saving Merit Badges does not come along very often. Most troops do not have the access of skill set available at the troop level to pull off these swimming events.
Scouts must bring proof of a Swim Check or complete it prior to starting swim activity & partial merit badge completion form. In addition, the scouts must have a Blue Card for the Merit Badge and MB Worksheet, BSA medical Form A and B, Swimming Suit, Towel, Water Bottle, Sun Protection, and Lunch/Snacks.
Cost for this event is $7.00.
All questions regarding this event should be addressed to John Longhofer – the Council Aquatic Chairman, email: or Cell Phone: (520)990-4442.
Be Prepared,
Uncle Ralph