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Did You Know That the BSA Has a New National Chair?

The Boy Scouts of America has a new National Chairman of the Board. Brad Tilden has volunteered to become one of three members of the BSA’s,  National 3. He is joined by the National Commissioner W. Scott Sorrels, also a volunteer the Chief Scout Executive/President & CEO Roger C. Mosby (a professional). Brad Tilden will serve as the volunteer head of the National Council and leads the board in issues like hiring the next CEO and other policy decisions. While the BSA professional team develops the company’s strategy, the National Chair and the board oversee that strategy.

Brad is no stranger to scouting, as he has been involved for the last 54 years. He earned his Eagle in 1976 with the Chief Seattle Council and spent four years as a staff member in a BSA summer camp. As an adult, he served on the board — and later as chair — of the Chief Seattle Council before joining the BSA National Board as finance chair in 2014.

He is the retired Chairman and CEO of Alaska Air Group (2021). He has many plans for the future and you can read all about them here.

Be Prepared,

Uncle Ralph

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